Mental Well Being Something to ponder upon
People have learned to protect and take care of their physical health. People know the phenomena’s of washing their hands frequently and keeping a safe distance of six feet from each other but people need to know and be aware of ways to enhance the mood and keep the well-being at best during this challenging time.
Government all around the world are enforcing social distancingand the importance of mental health in an individual cannot be stressed enough. “The good news is that physical distancing doesn’t mean social isolation” Prof. Santos (Yale). In times like these, technology has to be harnessed to take back the social elements human lives have lost, in order to preserve mental health.“We’re creatures of habit, in part because stable habits give us more control,”(Yale, Yale University). “By finding a routine while sheltering in place, we can reduce the cognitive fatigue of each individual decision about the day, which can make us feel a bit more in control.” She added.

1. Mental health during COVID-19, a Pandemic
“In the case of COVID-19, one has to compare the economic benefits of releasing the lockdown with the social and psychological benefits, and then compare the total of these with the increase in deaths that would result from an early exit. How can this be done more systematically.”
Certain methods have been enabling us to have a healthy mental state of mind.
- “The first comes from the new science of “wellbeing” which enables us to evaluate all changes in human.
- Experience in terms of a single metric: their impact on individuals’ satisfaction with their lives.”(UK).
The long-term mental health impacts of this unprecedented pandemic – on people with existing mental illness and other vulnerable groups, on the health and social care workforce, and on the healthy population – are not yet fully known but they may be equally unprecedented,” (Burn). Mental health problem drivers are also factors that arise such as :High pressure in workloads, uncertainty, and difficult situations which are out of human control which can even result in isolation for certain.

2. Effects of Covid-19 on well-Being
People around the world are at the moment experiencing a lack of productivity during this state of lockdown, started having arguments and disagreements with family members and loved ones, also worrying about the future and not having face-to-face connection with their peers. People are concerned about marginalised communities, no place for people to feel safe from abuse and social media taking up all the productive time.

Due to covid-19, the world is going to face many new demands which can increase a person’s stress level and anxiety, sense of fear and lack of missing out. Some of such factors include:
- Have to deal with COVID-19 related stigma and discrimination
- Fear for the safety of yourself and your loved ones.
- To work longer hours, without proper resources and environment.
- To be confronted with illness all around oneself.
3. Symptoms to know when mental health is affected
Everyone in this situation will respond in a different and unique way as everyone may experience things differently due to difficult demands. One should be aware about the symptoms that can be seen or felt such as :
- Physical symptoms like sleeping difficulty or headaches;
- Behavioural symptoms like low mood levels, low motivational levels or increase use of alcohol/drugs;
- Emotional symptoms like fear, sadness or anger.
Self-isolation also is a big problem for many people. People on their own in this quarantine face desperate loneliness, while those living in over-crowded households develop into intolerance.Anxiety, fear, helplessness and hopelessness are certain other factors which come into role as people go through these tough times. The world is going to have to come up with many mechanics that would help the population cope up with the inner insecurities and worries of them.
Covid-19 is moving towards legitimising the need to look after each other and staying connected with our loved and dear ones so everyone can cope up with such a tough situation.
4. Ways to enhance Well-Being during this pandemic
Fear and anxiety are likely to increase in the coming days as the lives will remain disrupted with social distancing as the major lifestyle change. Being a society, everyone has to come and work together having a sense of empathy. As Individuals, we need to remind ourselves to stay in touch and connected to others as much as possible.
- Less usage of Social Media : Social media is like an addiction which is merely speculative and doesn’t really show any new information. It shows alarming stories throughout the day. One cannot do anything about the consequences of Covid-19 which is accurate as it would increase anxiety.
- Get more exercise, less caffeine : Being at home all day, makes us hungry at odd times. One has to try really hard to strike a balance between the calorie intake and outwards. Exercise at least once in the day which makes the body more active and responds to other tips to encourage positivity. Stretching, dancing or even slow breathing helps to calm down senses.
- Change Lifestyle : A little change in the lifestyle can do wonders. Eating proper and healthy food keeps stress level in control. One should have proper sleep as sleep pattern affects productivity and efficiency. Minimizing the use of alcohol and drugs also helps as they seem to help in short term but they push a person to anxiety, mood swings and also sleep difficulty.

- Having a proper routine : A routine helps create a clear picture and schedule between work and home time as it makes us habituated to certain things at specific times of the day. The day becomes more productive than before.
- Just do nothing for a change : Try to take time off from doing household chores and do nothing for each day. Find things you love doing and spend time doing or experiencing it. We all can just do fine working from home but the trend has been accelerated.
- Faith in government : Discussing green recovery with integrating environmental driving forces and how the world can cope up with financial packages to rebuild the economy. As we return back to our workspaces we shouldn’t just rush back to the old self. We have to incorporate the good and bring that forward to support health and well-being in future too.
- Hedonic Adaptation : It is the concept where humans have the ability to adapt to new situations. The concept doesn’t advise that we won’t feel uncomfortable in the coming months. It talks about how one becomes resilient and that they start adjusting to the new reality of life. New becomes normal for the world.

- Stay Positive, hear positive news : “A sense of hope instead of fear could allow leaders and everyday citizens to better cooperate with one another – a vital element in defeating this outbreak. We’re not seeing the stories of recovery,” (Carswell). “We need to shift narratives away from number of deaths toward number of recoveries.” (WHO, world health organisation).
- Stay Connected : Take few moments from the day and daily routine and talk to friends or family or anyone who makes you feel good. Talk to people who are trusted about how you are feeling in the situation.
- Be Realistic : Take a look around and be realistic about what you can do and what you can’t do. Having visual of circles may help a person with the situation. Felling helpless is bound to happen during the pandemic, but we need to make sure we do whatever best we can and feel content.

All these ways and tips are at a very micro level and every individual can practice them to enhance their mental health. Each one of us has to take deep precautions in a situation like this in terms of personal hygiene, physical health and stability as well as mental health and conciseness in order to survive this pandemic. We shall wait for this time to pass, so that all of us can help each other overcome these times. We, at LOGITRUST VOYAGES PVT. LTD. hope and pray for everyone’s well-being: Physical and mental. We hope to serve you very soon and find ways to cheer you and your loved ones.